

POSTED IN: Newborn

Twins!  Brooke and Scott are wonderful friends of ours, and have been since my husband and I started dating.  So when Brooke contacted me about going down to Springfield to take pictures of their new twins, I jumped at the chance! Most of the newborns I photograph weigh more than the amount that both of […]


These pictures of this beautiful family are exactly why I schedule my photo shoots near sunset. I named my business Illumen for a reason! Illuminating light turns a photo from a something A-Okay into something extraordinary. I don’t think it hurts that this family was so photogenic, and easy to work with. The Flynn daughters […]

POSTED IN: Personal

I haven’t done a personal post in quite a while, and watching my little girl go out and pick tomatoes seemed like the perfect photo op! My daughter, Sarah Jane, is quite focused and even a little serious at times. I’m sure you can tell that by looking at the pictures. She loves to eat […]

POSTED IN: Newborn

Harrison was a little dream baby. He doesn’t like hand holding and he’s stronger than he looks, but overall, I’d still give him an A+. Despite the pouty lips, he still gave us a few smiles. I’d say he was a good sport…no pun intended. 😉

POSTED IN: Engagement

Just spent a few hours last week with this beautiful couple. Now, I won’t be able to take their picture again until take their vows next June. Way too long!

POSTED IN: Wedding

I met Jessica earlier this year, and I felt like we immediately shared excitement about her wedding day photography. She has such great style and chose such a cool location in Forest Park at the Highlands Golf Club.  Her husband Anthony is such a gentlemen, and there is no doubt how much he loves and […]

POSTED IN: Children

My friend, Ryan, gets pictures taken of her sweet, naturally red-headed son every year on his birthday. Happy Birthday, Ethan! You are such a fun kiddo!

POSTED IN: Newborn

Some babies, like Bennett, are sweet…AND cooperative AND oh-so sleepy! Just 5 days young, too! My very favorite picture is the first one of him sucking on his pinky. He soothed himself right into a dreamy sleep. Enjoy!

POSTED IN: Newborn

Here she is…Little Henrietta. 6 days new. She put up a fight, but in the end, we got her to sleep like a newborn. 🙂 Take special note of her little smiling face and the one with her daddy. MY FAVS!


Charlotte is a wee bit too many weeks to call a newborn, but she is beautiful and oh-so tiny. As you can tell, her family, including her big brother Sam, adore her little self.

a little extra magic.

I BELIEVE IN LIGHT, love, belly laughs, AND

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